Palm Sunday 2013
This photo was taken at St. George’s Church in Fredericksburg on February 16th. Following Presiding Bishop Schori’s public forum and open discussion on interfaith relationships and community women’s empowerment and world peace, the Bishop graciously remained for a book signing. Three members of the ECW Board attended the evening presentation – Cindy Helton, U.T.O. Chair, Dale Brittle, Historian, and Bryn Roth, Prayer Retreat Coordinator with Bishop Schori following the general discussion.
Please support the St. Asaph's Polar Bears!
Last year's Flamingos!
Mark your calendars for the Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, February 2nd at Lake Land'Or Beach. Festivities begin at 11 AM.
St Asaph's Polar Bears are Susan Hafey, Chip Campbell, Mark DePollo, Sherry Gravatt, Deborah Howard, Lynn Lenahan, Dana Barker, Mark Sullivan, Bambi Willis and Jean Young. New Bears are welcome to join us!!!
The Bears need your support with donations, and your cheers on the day of the event. Pledges can be made in memory or in honor of someone. Money raised will go towards heating assistance for those in need in Caroline County.
Congregational Meeting held after services on November 18
Thanks to all who attended and presented reports at our annual Congregational Meeting.
Welcome to our two new vestry members: Catherine Gravatt and Micheal Lenahan. After 30 years of faithful service, John Lane has retired from the church treasurer position. Michael Thomas has agreed to take on this important job.
Welcome to our two new vestry members: Catherine Gravatt and Micheal Lenahan. After 30 years of faithful service, John Lane has retired from the church treasurer position. Michael Thomas has agreed to take on this important job.
October 6, 2012
7-10 PM
Annual Silent Auction
Hampton Manor
(Click on Photo for more information)
Bible Lessons, music, crafts, fun!
Date: July 18, 2012
Time: 2 – 6 PM
Location: St. Asaph’s Undercroft
All kids ages 4-12 welcome!
Pre-registration preferred.
Click on whale for registration form.
Former St. Asaph's Priest to lead Worship on Sunday
The Rev. Macon Walton will be our celebrant and preacher this Sunday, May 20. Rev. Walton served St. Asaph’s from 1958 until1962. At that time, St. Asaph’s was a cure that included St. Peter’s Church in Port Royal and Vauter’s Church in Essex County. Rev. Walton has been a priest for 55 years and currently serves Christ Church in Waverly, Virginia. Please welcome Rev. Walton (and his wonderful sense of humor!) this Sunday and join us for a reception following the service.
St. Patrick's Day Mission Dinner
Our annual St. Patrick's Day Mission Dinner was held on Saturday, March 17th. Thanks so much to all who helped cook and decorate, especially to Linda Sullivan who prepared the delicious beef stew and corned beef and cabbage. A great time was had by all!
March 3rd is our 3rd Annual Oyster Roast!
"Fun on the Half Shell"
Mark your calendars for our 3rd annual Oyster Roast, to be held on Saturday, March 3rd from 4-7 PM at our Pavilion.
Tickets are $35 for all the roasted and fried oysters you can eat. Chili, bratwurst, hot dogs, cole slaw, pork rinds and hush puppies will also be served. Ticket includes beer on tap! Net proceeds will go to our Building Fund. See Kathy Hancock or Deborah Howard for tickets.
Click picture to see photos!
Mark your calendars for our 3rd annual Oyster Roast, to be held on Saturday, March 3rd from 4-7 PM at our Pavilion.
Tickets are $35 for all the roasted and fried oysters you can eat. Chili, bratwurst, hot dogs, cole slaw, pork rinds and hush puppies will also be served. Ticket includes beer on tap! Net proceeds will go to our Building Fund. See Kathy Hancock or Deborah Howard for tickets.
Click picture to see photos!
Please support the St. Asaph's Polar Bears on February 4th!
Mark your calendars for the Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, February 4th at Lake Land'Or. Festivities begin at 10 AM.
St Asaph's Polar Bears are Chip Campbell, Mark DePollo Sherry Gravatt, Deborah Howard, Lynn Lenahan, Linda & Mark Sullivan, Bambi Willis and Jean Young.
They need your support with donations, and your cheers on the day of the event. Pledges can be made in memory or in honor of someone. Money raised will go towards heating assistance for those in need in Caroline County.
Annual Council
The 217th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia will take place January 26-28, 2012 in Reston. Bambi will be attending along with our delegate, Dale Brittle and our alternate, Jean Young.
On Friday, January 27th, members of our choir, (Chip Campbell, Sherry Gravatt, Deborah Howard, Lynn Lenahan, Michele Mason, Pete Overman, Michael Thomas, Marcia Upshaw and Jean Young) will sing with the Diocesan choir at the Council Holy Eucharist. Click on picture to learn more about Annual Council.
Don't pitch those Christmas cards, birthday cards etc!!
You can recycle them as a project for a service club or youth group by sending to:
St. Jude's Ranch for Children
Recycled Card Program
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder City, NV 89005
Please note: It is preferred that only fronts be sent and that they be free from personal handwriting. St. Jude's cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards because of trademark and/or copyright issues since the cards are remade and sold.
St. Jude's Ranch for Children
Recycled Card Program
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder City, NV 89005
Please note: It is preferred that only fronts be sent and that they be free from personal handwriting. St. Jude's cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards because of trademark and/or copyright issues since the cards are remade and sold.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting held on Nov. 20
After a delicious covered dish luncheon, our 2011 Congregational Meeting was held in the undercroft. The meeting included reports from different aspects of our church life, and the election of one new vestry member, Kathy Hancock. Congratulations, Kathy!
Please click here to read Bambi's report.
United Thank Offering collected on Sunday November 13
$230.47 was donated! You can still contribute!
See Sherry Gravatt before Dec. 1 if you would like to help.
The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that provides a way for men, women and children of the Church to give daily thanks to God. The discipline starts in our homes by dropping coins into a special container, known as the "Blue Box." Some fill a blue envelope, but toward the same purpose and with the same sense of gratitude. These monetary gifts are used to help others. Every coin is used to support grants for missions and ministry.
Thanksgiving Service - Pause to Give Thanks
We hope you will make plans to attend
our Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday, November 23 at 7:30 PM.
October 1, 2011
An Elegant Evening at
Hampton Manor
Over $8,500 raised for
St. Asaph's Building Fund!
An Elegant Evening at
Hampton Manor
Over $8,500 raised for
St. Asaph's Building Fund!
Steadfast Love - Remembering 9/11
A beautiful service marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11 was held on the evening of Sunday, September 11th at St. Peter's in Port Royal. Our own Rev. Bambi Willis and Rev. Catherine Hicks of St. Peter's led this service. If you were unable to attend, click here to read Bambi's meditation.
Michael's Carolina ColeSlaw
Many of you have been asking about the delicious coleslaw that Michael Thomas serves at our church functions. Well, here is! Click here for recipe.
Come to Sunday School!
Our Sunday morning adult education at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 24, and next Sunday, July 31, will be looking at the cover article of the April 25, 2011, edition of Time Magazine "What if there is no Hell?" You can click on the cover photo to the left to read the article, or just come to class. Beginning in August, Michelle Mason will continue to lead us in our study of the gospel of John with a side trip through the book Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.
Garland Smith Gravatt
The St. Asaph's family is deeply saddened by the death of Garland Gravatt last Thursday, June 9th. A graveside service was held on Sunday afternoon at Lakewood Cemetery. A reception organized by the ECW followed the service in the undercroft.
Rest eternal grant to him O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon him.
To read more about Garland's life, click here.
Rest eternal grant to him O Lord,
and let light perpetual shine upon him.
To read more about Garland's life, click here.
Rev. Bambi Willis becomes Priest-In-Charge
Senior Warden Ray Piland announced in church on May 15 that he has received a letter from Diocese of Virginia Bishop Shannon Johnston. Bambi Willis is now officially the Priest-in-Charge for St. Asaph’s Episcopal Church -- a joyous day and time for all of us.
Help for the Tornado Victims - May 1, 2011
Pete Overman is organizing an effort to help those affected by last week's tornados in North Carolina. They desperately need cleaning supplies, personal items, bedding and linens. Please bring your items to the church this week. Pete will deliver them to the distribution center in North Carolina.
St. Patrick's Day Mission Dinner
Many thanks to all who attended our annual St. Patrick's Day Mission Dinner on March 19th. Beef stew, corned beef and cabbage were enjoyed by all! From the proceeds of the dinner, we were able to donate $420 to the ERD's Japan earthquake and tsunami fund.
Beginning on Tuesday, March 8th, our Tuesday morning Bible Study will be making a Lenten journey through the book Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today by Joan Chittister. Copies of the book will be available on Tuesday, so please join us as you are able from 10:30 AM till noon.
Special Anniversary!
Bambi has been with the St. Asaph's congregation for one year! Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all you have brought to our church!
March 5th is our 2nd Annual Oyster Roast!
"Fun on the Half Shell"
Mark your calendars for our 2nd annual Oyster Roast, to be held on this Saturday, March 5 from 4-7 PM at our Pavilion.
Tickets are $30 for all the roasted and fried oysters you can eat. Hot dogs, cole slaw and hush puppies will also be served.
Net proceeds will go to our "Access for Everyone" projects. See Deborah Howard for tickets.
Click picture to see photos from last year!
Mark your calendars for our 2nd annual Oyster Roast, to be held on this Saturday, March 5 from 4-7 PM at our Pavilion.
Tickets are $30 for all the roasted and fried oysters you can eat. Hot dogs, cole slaw and hush puppies will also be served.
Net proceeds will go to our "Access for Everyone" projects. See Deborah Howard for tickets.
Click picture to see photos from last year!
Bishop Shannon Visits for Service of
Baptism, Confirmation, Reception
Bishop Shannon Johnston
On Sunday, February 13, the St. Asaph's family welcomed the Rt. Rev. Shannon Johnston, Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. Our offering was given to his discretionary fund. After the service, everyone enjoyed a reception honoring Bishop Johnston and our newly baptized, confirmed, received and reaffirmed members.
We rejoiced in the baptism of Alexis Genea Senegal, Alex Eugene Senegal, Jr., Aleyah Marie Senegal and Phillip Alen Smith, Jr. Alexis, Alex and Aleyah are the children of Kim Marie Senegal and Alex Eugene Senegal, and Phillip is the son on Jan Smith and Phillip Alen Smith. All are the grandchildren of Almeta Beveridge.
We also officially welcomed Michael Thomas, Susan Hafey and David Storke to our parish through confirmation and reception, and we rejoice in Pete Overman's reaffirmation. We also extend a warm welcome to Claudia and Mark DePollo who have officially transfered their membership to St. Asaph's from Trinity Church in Fredericksburg.
New Wardens, Vestry Member Commissioned
Ray Piland replaces John Nunnally as Senior Warden; Gary Gravatt replaces Mark Sullivan as Junior Warden. Our new vestry member is Chip Campbell. Many thanks to John and Mark for their service and dedication to St. Asaph's.
Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia
held January 21-22 in Reston
Sherry Gravatt was our delegate and Dale Brittle our alternate. They along with Bambi represented St. Asaph's this year.
Click photo to read all about the 216th Annual Council.
Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia held January 21-22 in Reston
Sherry Gravatt was our delegate to Annual Council. She along with Bambi represented St. Asaph's this year. To keep up with all Council news, click here.
What a Night!!!
An Elegant Evening at
Mulberry Place
Silent auction * Wine tasting
Heavy hors d'oevers *Classical guitarist
Click here for photos
Mulberry Place
Silent auction * Wine tasting
Heavy hors d'oevers *Classical guitarist
Click here for photos
Four new Sunday School Teachers Commissioned
Click photo
St. Asaph's Sunday School teachers were commissioned during the worship service on October 2. Our four new teachers are: Catherine Denniston, Lauren Jensen, Janet Nunnally and Lindsey Williams. Following the service, everyone attended our Sunday School "Kickoff" at the pavilion where we enjoyed hotdogs, "Will's fries" and outdoor games.
Annual Pork Roast - Saturday, October 9th!
The men of St. Asaph's cordially invite you to their annual Pork Roast on Saturday, October 9th from 4-7 PM at the Pavilion.
One bread, one body,
One Lord of all.
We will be using bread rather than wafers during the Eucharist in the hope of showing forth liturgically our faith that we are one body in Christ.
We will be using bread rather than wafers during the Eucharist in the hope of showing forth liturgically our faith that we are one body in Christ.
Welcome Home, A.G.!
We are pleased to report that A.G. came home from the hospital on Sunday, August 15th. If you would like to send him a card, his address is:
1905 Wildflower Terrace
Richmond, VA 23238
1905 Wildflower Terrace
Richmond, VA 23238
Welcome Troop 237!
On Sunday, August 1st, we welcomed Boy Scout Troop 237 who worshiped with us. Troop Leader Gary Booher and his Scouts were camping at the Jamboree and hail from Pennsylvania.
To find our more about the 2010 Boy Scout Jamboree, click here.
To find our more about the 2010 Boy Scout Jamboree, click here.
Annual Service and Picnic at Pitts Pond
Sunday June 11th was our annual service and picnic at Pitts Pond! Holy Eucharist service began at 10:30 AM followed by a covered dish luncheon and time for fun and fellowship. Our friends from St. Peter's in Port Royal were invited to attend and participate in the service.
Tuesday morning Bible Study
Our Tuesday morning Bible Study has begun a study of the Book of Acts with the help of the commentary Acts for Everyone by N. T. Wright. Morning prayer begins at 10:30 am and the Bible Study ends at noon. Please join us!
A Special Celebration!
Dedication of our Elevator . . .
Sunday, June 6th was a glorious morning as our "Access for Everyone" elevator was dedicated and blessed. We welcomed Rev. Pegram Johnson back and celebrated his eight years of service as Priest-in-Charge. Both events were honored at a delicious reception downstairs in the undercroft. Special thanks to Pegram's son, Matt, for writing the Dedication and Blessing service we used this morning.
Click here to see pictures of the dedication.
Click here to read more about our building project!
Click here to see pictures of the dedication.
Click here to read more about our building project!
Remember those serving in the military . . .
Lauren Jensen's husband, Mike, was recently deployed and she is helping the Family Readiness group by sending out cards to family members and the soldiers. She is hand writing all the cards but is requesting donations of postage stamps from the members of St.Asaph's. A box is in the basement to accept our donations. Thanks for your support!
Thanks for everyone's help at the "Clean Sweep!"
A big thank you to everyone who donated items and came out to help at the Bowling Green "Clean Sweep" Community Yard Sale! Our latest fund raiser, we brought in $600.
Adult Sunday School begins study of Revelation
Beginning on June 13 and continuing through August 8th, Bambi will lead us in a study of Revelation at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings in the undercroft. We will be helped as we go through with the commentary, "Breaking the Code," by Bruce Metzger. if you would like to join us for all or part of our Bible study and would like a copy of the book for $9, please notify John Nunnally or Bambi Willis ASAP so we can order the books.
Harrison Carter home
Harrison had successful heart surgery in Philadelphia on Thursday, May 20. He is back home and doing very well. Please continue to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. The photo shows little Harrison with the prayer shawl that our ladies made for him.
Parish Profile in Process
As a preliminary step in our search for ordained leadership, the Search Committee has e-mailed and mailed a questionnaire to be completed by every person in the congregation age 16 and older. Paper copies are also available. This is an important step in preparing our church profile and everyone was asked to return their completed questionnaire by May 15th. Any questions please see Ray Piland, chairman of the Search Committee.
Pentecost Sunday
Thanks to everyone for making Pentecost Sunday so meaningful! Linda Sullivan made the "tongues of fire," and husband, Mark helped to hang them. Our little ones participated in the processional and carried colorful flags. Dale Brittle, Janet Nunnally, Janie Campbell, Virginia Scher and Lindsey Williams read the scripture from Acts in English, Spanish, Latin, French and Greek. After the worship service, the palms from Palm Sunday were burned for next Ash Wednesday.
Click photo for more . . .
Mother's Day at St. Asaph's
Thanks to the Episcopal Church Men for cooking such a delicious breakfast for everyone on Mother's Day!
Click on the photo to see more of our Mother's Day celebration!
Click on the photo to see more of our Mother's Day celebration!
ECM Annual Chicken BBQ nets over $1,400 for elevator!
Many thanks to the Episcopal Church Men for their annual CHICKEN BBQ on May 2nd. As always, the food was delicious and the net proceeds will benefit the "Access for Everyone" project.
St. Asaph's Day
On May 2nd, our congregation celebrated the Feast of Saint Asaph and his Welsh heritage with a special collect and hymn tunes of Welsh origin.
Oyster Roast Fundraiser Big Success!
"Fun on the Half Shell"
April 24th was a little "rainy" but that didn't stop the fun as over 120 folks came out to enjoy all they could eat of fresh fried or steamed oysters. Looks like over $2,000 was raised for our new elevator pay off!
Click picture to see more photos!
April 24th was a little "rainy" but that didn't stop the fun as over 120 folks came out to enjoy all they could eat of fresh fried or steamed oysters. Looks like over $2,000 was raised for our new elevator pay off!
Click picture to see more photos!
Palm Sunday at St. Asaphs
St. Asaph's members and visitors observed Palm Sunday with the "Liturgy of the Palms." The choir and congregation processed outside to circumnavigate the church while singing "All Glory Laud and Honor."
After re-entering the sanctuary, members of the congregation read "The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke".
Click on Rev. Willis' photo for more pics of Palm Sunday.
After re-entering the sanctuary, members of the congregation read "The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke".
Click on Rev. Willis' photo for more pics of Palm Sunday.
St. Asaph's Welcomes Rev. Bambi Willis
as Interim Rector
Will Gravatt hands over a key to our new leader!
Click photo for more about our new Priest.
St. Patrick's Day Mission Dinner
Corned beef and cabbage was enjoyed by members of St Asaph's at our annual St. Patrick's Mission Dinner on March 20. Proceeds will benefit "Trucks for Haiti." Thanks to Linda Sullivan for coordinating this delicious dinner! Click on John's photo to see more!
Service of Confirmation and Reception
The congregation of St. Asaph's welcomes
Kathy and Joey Hancock
who were confirmed on February 14
Kathy and Joey Hancock
who were confirmed on February 14