St. Asaph’s Episcopal ChurchThe Transfiguration
August 6, 2017 – 10:30 A.M.
Holy Eucharist Rite II
Celebrant: The Rev. Roger Robillard
Be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent, for this is the House of God.
Leave it not without a prayer for yourself, for those who minister, and for those who worship here.
Before the Service, speak to the Lord.
During the Service, let the Lord speak to you.
After the Service, speak to one another.
PreludeHymn 427 “When morning gilds the skies”…………………..……Laudes Domini
The Acclamation…………………………..…Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 355
Celebrant: Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
People: And blessed be his kingdom, now and for ever. Amen
The Collect for Purity………………………………………………………..BCP 355
Gloria in Excelsis…………….…..……………………………………..Hymnal S277
(Hymn numbers prefixed with “S” are found at the beginning of the hymnal)
The Collect for the Day (in unison)……………………………...………..……Insert
The First Reading: Exodus 34:29-35….…………….…….……………….….Insert
Psalm 99………………………….……..…………………………………...…..Insert
The Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:13-21....…....…...….…...………………....Insert
Hymn 383 “Fairest Lord Jesus”…...…………………………………...St. Elizabeth
The Gospel: Luke 9:28-36……………..……………..………………………..Insert
Sermon………………..………………………...…………….……..…Rev. Robillard
The Nicene Creed……………………………….......................................BCP 358
The Prayers of the People: Form III......................................................BCP 387
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Diocese of Puerto Rico (The United States)
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Methodist dioceses, synods and conferences in Virginia and their bishops. Please pray for the congregation and clergy of Kingston, Mathews.
Confession of Sin……………………………………………………………BCP 360
The Absolution……………………………………………………………….BCP 360
The Exchange of God’s Peace
Presentation of the Alms and Oblations of the People
Presentation Hymn LEVAS 115 “Spirit of the Living God”
Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me.
Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, Fill me, use me.
Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me.
The Great Thanksgiving: Prayer A……………..………..……………….BCP 361
Sanctus (Hymnal S128)…………….………….....………………….…….BCP 362
(After the Sanctus the congregation stand or kneel, as you are able)
The Great AMEN: LEVAS 261 (sung by choir & congregation)
The Lord’s Prayer………………………………………………………..…..BCP 363
The Breaking of the Bread…………...……..………..…………………….BCP 364
The Fraction Anthem......................................................................Hymnal S154
The Communion of the People of God
(All baptized Christians, regardless of church affiliation, are invited to
receive communion. If you would prefer to receive a blessing simply
cross your arms over your chest.)
Post Communion Prayer (please stand as you are able)……………………..BCP 366
Welcome and Announcements; Birthday and Anniversary Prayers
(The birthday and anniversary prayers are located on the inside cover of the BCP)
The Blessing
Hymn 542 “Christ is the world’s true Light”……………………..…………St. Joan
Dismissal and Response Thanks be to God.
Ministers of the ServiceLay Eucharistic Minister: Jean Young
Lector: Kathy Hancock
Acolyte/Server: Will Gravatt
Organist: Xiang Li
Altar Guild: Deborah Howard & Jean Young
Coffee Hour: Mary Frances Coleman
St. Asaph’s Episcopal Church
130 S. Main Street
PO Box 1178
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Parish Office: (804) 633-5660
The Vestry
Joey Hancock-Senior Warden
Will Gravatt-Junior Warden
Chip Campbell, Lynn Lenahan, Jean Young
Gary Gravatt-Treasurer
Joyce Goforth-Register
- A welcome to all visitors this morning. Please sign our guest register located on the table in the vestibule. A Sunday school is provided downstairs for our younger visitors and we invite all for a time of refreshment and fellowship downstairs immediately after our morning service.
- We welcome the Rev. Roger Robillard today as our celebrant and for the month of August.
- Come enjoy the day with Bishop Goff and become co-creators with God!
- Volunteers are needed for the following duties:
-September 10, 17, 24 – Altar duty. Please let B.L. Trahos know if you can help.
- Reminder: On Sunday, August 13, Jean Young is lector, Glenda Archer is Lay Eucharistic Minister, Will Gravatt is acolyte/server, Harrison Carter is crucifer, and Mary Frances Coleman has coffee hour.
St. Asaph’s Episcopal Church
Bowling Green, Virginia
The Transfiguration
The mission of St. Asaph’s Episcopal Church is to be a nurturing community sharing the love of Christ through worship, prayer,
education and outreach.